Contract management with Doxis

  • Easy contract creation based on templates
  • Automated approval process
  • Integration with trust service providers for digital signatures
  • Automated notifications

Master your company’s global task:
contract management

Contract management is the basis on which every company runs its business. Do you decentrally manage and archive a wide range of contracts, e.g. for loans, with suppliers and employees, or rental, purchase or framework agreements? With Doxis Contract Management, you can reduce your error rate and resources required: Manage all contracts in a uniform way, increase transparency and boost security and compliance. Doxis makes it easier to work on contracts thanks to DMS functions such as annotations, templates and version control.

Consistent company-wide

Get a complete overview of all contracts & conditions in your company and align your administration.

Faster contract processes

Steer contract processes automatically & maintain control over the entire life cycle — from draft to termination.

Meet deadlines

Meet individual contract obligations & deadlines, in addition to data protection laws, retention periods and deletion dates.

Doxis for contract management

From the initial contract draft to getting everything signed, sealed and delivered, Doxis is there to support the entire contract management lifecycle. Experience the benefits of streamlined workflows, find information instantly with powerful searches, and get partner contracts, employee contracts, leases or any type of contract completed quickly and efficiently.  

Want to know more about Doxis?

A true champion! Doxis Contract Management

In the techconsult user study on contract management, customers once again position SER as a Champion - with top ratings for functionality, product portfolio, solution benefits and innovation.

Read more 

Costs & risks under control

Optimize your business relationships & contract conditions while proactively monitoring obligations and risks.

Access every contract, at any time or place

Establish a single source of truth for all contracts to raise the speed & transparency of contract processes.

Respond quickly with precise information

Find the information you need immediately to respond to inquiries in any phase of the contract process.

Speed up contract approvals

Relieve your contract experts & legal counsel by automating many steps of the contract life cycle.

Now that employees from outside of the Finance department can view contracts and their obligations, there is a lot more understanding regarding our fulfillment of conditions. They identify with the situation and are much more motivated to comply.

Der Audit Trail von Doxis4 protokolliert alle Zugriffe und Veränderungen an den Unterlagen während des gesamten Vertragslebenszyklus.

Compliance, EU GDPR & data security

Contract management with Doxis ensures compliant information governance.

Doxis makes sure that your data is securely and compliantly stored: it prevents unrestricted and unauthorized access to contracts. The Doxis audit trail logs all accesses and modifications in documents throughout the contract life cycle. All contracts are stored audit-proof as, for example, a TIFF, PDF and PDF/A. With integrated storage and deletion management, you are able to store all contract documents securely and in compliance with retention periods and the EU GDPR.

All contract data at a glance

Contract management with Doxis provides you a clear and complete overview of all contract information and streamlines your contract processes.

Electronic contract files

The contract file provides an overview of all key contract data, incl. deadlines and reminders. You are able to store contracts and its documents in a secure, structured & complete way.

Automated contract processes

Create, verify, release, finalize, manage and archive: With Doxis, this workflow is documented orderly, transparently and verifiably.

Connected to ERP & CRM

Doxis automatically transfers master data on customers, suppliers and partners from your integrated ERP and CRM systems and inserts it into your contracts — error-free and up-to-date.

Intelligent search & automatic filing

You can directly access the information you need using intelligent search functions. Doxis files contracts in the right place, supplementing contract numbers, deadlines, prices or conditions — all automated.

Contract management with Doxis

Customer and supplier relationships, framework agreements, licenses and employment contracts: Not only is the number of contracts in companies growing — so is their complexity. With Doxis, you manage all contracts digitally and ensure they are handled correctly, transparently, securely and in full across the entire company.

Video: 360°view of your contracts

Gain a 360-degree view of your contracts throughout the life cycle to ensure fast response times, complete contract data access, and compliant management. Get a look at how it works in this video.

How can we help you?

Let's work together to overcome your challenges in contract management!

Do you want to learn more about digital contract management? We are happy to show you how Doxis works – in a live demonstration or in person at your company! We look forward to hearing from you!

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Frequently asked questions about contract management

What is contract management?

Contract management describes all processes related to a contract: from creation, review and editing to the management of ongoing and terminated contracts. This applies to contracts with customers, suppliers and partners. An optimal contract management software reminds you of expiring contracts and thus prevents problems due to missed deadlines.

Why is contract management important?

A contract management software offers process optimizations on different levels. Some advantages include: Better customer service through timely follow-up on expiring contracts. Better overview of ongoing costs of contracts with suppliers. Faster contract creation through contract templates and quick access to existing contracts with a customer.

Which software for contract management?

The basis of a contract management software is usually an ECM system, which provides functions for the administration of contracts. These include, among others: management of contract templates, individual contract workflows and automatic reminders for deadlines.

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