Mobile workspace now reality

(April 14, 2016 - Berlin) Have all your business documents with you without having to carry a thing – except your smartphone. Access all your documents and take part in business processes – even away from the office. It is possible. Yet many companies cannot provide their employees this kind of mobile workspace, as a current IDC study reports. There is a solution, however: the Doxis4 webCube app.

Mobile technologies are changing the way we work (together). At the same time, they are also placing new demands on our working environment. Work is becoming faster, more flexible, and more dispersed. If you want to run a successful business, you need to have access to all important information at the right time and in the right context throughout the business process and value chain.

In reality, few companies achieve this – as a recent IDC study on mobile content management reveals. The respondents have mobile access to an average of only about 60 percent of the data relevant to their work. This can lead to delays in critical business processes, especially when it comes to making quick decisions and approving e.g. invoices.

Ready to act and decide at any time

The enterprise content management app Doxis4 mobileCube for iOS and Android, developed by SER, offers a solution. Regardless of whether you are on a business trip or visiting a customer, the ECM app gives you access to all relevant information. You are ready to act and make decisions at any time. No matter where you are or what time it is, you can access and directly work on all business documents, data, tasks, process instances, etc. You can save frequently used documents under your personal favorites and work on them offline, for instance while flying.

Mobile scanning anywhere

It's now possible for service reps working outside of the office to capture important documents like acceptance reports per smartpone or tablet, to digitize them with the mobile capture function, and to file them directly in Doxis4. Once they are filed, they are immediately available throughout business processes. It's also possible to search for business information at any time on a mobile device.

Always involved in business processes

Moreover, decision makers can take part in value chain business processes while on the go. They can manage and delegate tasks, steering them to the right business process. Thanks to a web-based approval app, managers can e.g. verify and approve of invoices from anywhere. The ability to make immediate decisions ensures that business processes are not slowed down.

Doxis4 mobileCube – native App for iOS and Android

The native app Doxis4 mobileCube for smartphones and tablets can be downloaded via Apple iTunes and Google Play. It supports the following languages: German, English, Polish, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Turkish. It can be used on all iPhones (starting at iPhone 4), iPads (starting at iPad 2), and on all Android-based end devices and BlackBerry smartphones.

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