SER covers all functionality segments in content platforms report

(October 11, 2018 - Bonn (headquarters)) In Forrester’s recently released international Now Tech report on content platforms, SER is listed as covering all four of the analyzed primary functionality segments. SER is one of the three mid-sized ECM vendors that covers all four segments.

Forrester's report Now Tech: Content Platforms, Q3 2018* evaluates 37 international content services vendors with regard to market presence and software functionality. The SER Group is positioned in the "midsize player" segment, which includes companies with an annual revenue between $51 million to $100 million. In the market overview, SER is one of three mid-sized vendors that covers all four primary functionality segments. "The way we see it, our content services strategy is based on integration, not exclusion. Our intelligent and highly scalable platform is at the core of this," comments Dr. Gregor Joeris, CTO of the SER Group.

SER: functional breadth & application depth
The four functionality segments, which SER covers, include the category  Content federation and integration services (CFIS). The SER Group is convinced that with Doxis4, companies can always access all data and document pools — for example, those located across several file servers, in Microsoft SharePoint and in many other sources — and utilize the information in business processes, regardless of location.

SER also covers the functionality segments Cloud content platforms (CCPs) and Transactional content services platforms (CP-TCS). The CP-TCS segment is already a part of the Forrester Transactional Content Services Wave**. SER was listed as a "Strong Performer" in the 2017 TCS Wave. As described by Forrester in that report, the Doxis4 ECM platform provides "a solid set of foundational library and process services and can scale to meet the needs of clients with several billion managed documents."

Last but not least, SER also covers the functionality segment Collaborative content services platforms (CP-CSS). The SER Group sees virtual project rooms as an example of a CP-CSS application that can be individually designed based on a no-code approach, enabling companies to go live even faster. Teams located across diverse locations, departments, customers and partners can utilize virtual project rooms to structure, process and securely share information with one another.

The Forrester report Now Tech: Content Platforms, Q3 2018 provides an overview of the current ECM market. It helps companies to understand value they can expect from a content platform provider and select vendors based on capabilities and deployment models.

* Now Tech: Content Platforms, Q3 2018 Forrester’s Overview Of 37 Content Platform Providers by Cheryl McKinnon with Daniel Hong, Madeline King, and Peter Harrison September 26, 2018
Now Tech: Content Platforms, Q3 2018 (Login or payment required)

** The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Content Management — Transactional Content Services, Q2 2017. Our Evaluation Of 13 Vendors In A Market In Transition by Cheryl McKinnon with Alex Cullen, Alex Kramer, and Sam Bartlett, April 5, 2017.
The Forrester Wave™: ECM – Transactional Content Services (Login or payment required)

SER covers all functionality segments in content platforms report
SER covers all functionality segments in content platforms report

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