Customer Story: Stadtwerke Frankenthal

Launch of customer & household connection eFiles

Better service, better administration

Stadtwerke Frankenthal manages 30,000 household connections. The corresponding customer documents and other paperwork number in the millions. Stadtwerke Frankenthal's legacy archive was no longer up to the job. The company switched to Doxis — and rolled out the ECM platform not only for archiving, but also for managing its entire repository of information and processes. From administration to customer service and beyond, the migration benefits many departments.

In our case study, you learn

  • Why Stadtwerke Frankenthal chose SER & Doxis
  • How the ECM solution benefits customer service & administrative processes
  • How digital customer & household connection files make information available — fast
  • Why users particularly like working with the Doxis ECM platform

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