Agent Management Service

Powerful little helpers for BPM

Doxis Agent Bundle - BPM Add-ons

A Product of SER

BPM enables you to bring together employees and documents to efficiently process tasks. Agents help you to distribute documents, remind you of deadlines, notify you about escalation levels, and block users during offboarding. The functionalities available in the standard product are extended through add-ons, e.g. customizable automations to meet specific business requirements.

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How you benefit from the Doxis Bundle BPM add-on

  • Document triggers process
    Don't lose a second of your time: Document Archiving, e.g. for a time-off request, launches the process and assigns tasks
  • Reallocate tasks during offboarding
    Automatically move uncompleted tasks for employees who have left the company to a group inbox
  • Don't miss any deadlines
    Get email reminders about approaching deadlines when the date is passed
  • Clear escalations immediately
    So that you don’t lose sight of any tasks, escalation levels point to long processing times
Installation in the Admin Client

This bundle includes agents that are useful extensions in the BPM environment: - Assignment of documents to employees or groups of employees. - The user is blocked for offboarding. Pending tasks are moved to someone else. - Mail reminder when a date is exceeded on a document/file/task. - Setting up multiple escalation levels when a task ""lingers"" too long in a mailbox

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