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Easy, secure & legally binding signature

Doxis Digital Signature Connector for MOXIS

A Product of SER and XiTrust

Take your electronic signature processes in document management to the next level. The combination of Doxis and MOXIS offers you 100% legally binding signatures and can be operated either in the cloud or on-premises.

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How you benefit from Doxis Moxis integration

  • Make document management easier
    Electronic signatures support decentralised structures and simplify internal processes
  • Local solution 
    MOXIS is a European solution with 100% eIDAS and DSGVO compliant operation
  • Free choice of hosting 
    Convenient operation in the cloud or installation within your own corporate infrastructure
Start signature process Signed document

Doxis connector for integrating MOXIS digital signatures in Doxis applications and processes. This Doxis add-on enables you to connect the MOXIS signature solution to an existing Doxis landscape. The signature process is initiated in Doxis and the signed document is filed automatically. The actual signature takes place in the signer's portal.

XiTrust Secure Technologies GmbH

With twenty years of experience, XiTrust is one of the leading providers of electronic signatures in Europe. As co-owner of the state-recognised certification service provider A-Trust, XiTrust offers its customers tailor-made signature solutions from a single source. XiTrust considers itself a partner to its customers - we go all the way towards paperless processes together with you! 

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