Customer Stories & Use Cases

Modern digital archive and eGovernment services for the City of Dresden

Searching the city archive from home, submitting requests electronically to city government, and much more: The City of Dresden provides digital citizen services such as these with its eArchive – and also fulfills requirements for long-term digital archiving.

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Julia Pedak

 Information Governance

What does SOC 2 certification mean for cloud security?

When it comes to security for cloud solutions, trust is good but proof is better. Certifications such as SOC 2 can provide this. Learn more here about this international standard, what it takes for cloud service providers to become certified, and why it is important for your data.

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 Customer Stories & Use Cases

5 reasons for automated invoice processing that might surprise you

Reducing costs and labor, speeding up throughput, meeting discount deadlines – these are the main reasons many companies decide to automate invoice processes. However, there are other benefits that might surprise you. Find out what they are here.

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 Innovation & Technology

Milestones in Doxis intelligent information management

Work smarter, not harder with intelligent information management (IIM). The new Doxis services for machine learning and federation are important milestones, enabling cross-system access to information pools, aiding searching and filing, and automatically improving processes.

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Bärbel Heuser-Roth

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