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Doxis News: Work smarter with Doxis Intelligent Content Automation

Bärbel Heuser-Roth

Are you overwhelmed by the constant need to filter out relevant content from swaths of information to draw the right conclusions and trigger the relevant processes? Doxis Intelligent Content Automation (ICA) helps you focus your time and energy on what’s important. Doxis analyzes documents of any kind, delivers content insights and suggests further actionable steps—in short, it does the legwork, empowering you to apply your expertise where it’s needed. Routine tasks such as invoice processing are handled automatically. Doxis ICA lets you zero in on core tasks and make informed decisions by providing you with access to the best-possible information.

Doxis 24.4 is packed with innovations designed to help you work smarter. Keep reading to learn more about just some of its capabilities:  

  • How content automation and understanding can make your invoice processing run like clockwork—almost entirely automatically!
  • Let our AI-powered Doxi Document Insights highlight key document content in Doxis for smarter decision-making
  • Learn how healthcare professionals benefit from the clearest possible view of patient histories and avoid repeat examinations
  • Discover the new Fast Starters for insurance providers that let you standardize tasks using automated workflows, and file and categorize large document volumes in parallel—accurately and automatically
  • And last but not least: since the launch of Doxis Business Studio, citizen developers have been modding their own solutions and reducing bottlenecks for IT admins.

AI support for your accounting team

The key to streamlining and speeding up workflows in the purchase-to-pay process lies in automating your inbound invoice processing. The more manual tasks you can reduce or even eliminate entirely, the faster processing becomes, the more current your liquidity planning stays and the more accounting teams can focus on value-accretive tasks. The Doxis Intelligent P2P Automation modules for invoice processing with and without SAP come with automation capabilities to support accounting teams in more task areas, such as maintaining legal compliance and assigning invoice line items.

  • Compliance made easy: In many countries, recipients are legally required to check inbound supplier invoices for conformity with local VAT laws and other tax regulations. Doxis automatically checks that all mandatory fields are present and correct, and flags up any issues.
  • Smart proposals for invoice objects in SAP: Simply click on the Smart Proposal function and values are automatically entered in the accounts and cost center fields. AI interprets the individual line items and refers back to historical invoices processed by the company to come up with recommendations.

Save time and prevent mistakes with cost center and general ledger account proposals

Know more with Doxi Document Insights

What’s this document about? Do any of the deadlines apply to me? Doxi Document Insights answers all of these questions and more. Like a personal AI assistant, it summarizes the content of documents stored in Doxis and answers your questions in natural language—no need for you to wade through pages of text.  

The AI analyzes your documents in full, getting to know the topics and using questions to suggest further areas of potential interest. Then, if you want to learn more, they help you dive deeper into the subject matter. But our AI is not a black box: Doxi Document Insights always gives you the source it used in the text to find your answer—so you can jump directly to it and check the details.

Doxi Document Insights (Doxis webCube in this example) suggests further questions

On the move? Take Doxis with you

Working away from the office doesn’t have to mean giving up Doxis! With Doxis mobileCube for Smartphone and Tablet, you can access your documents, eFiles and workspaces from anywhere. That also includes remote access to your favorites saved in the Doxis Windows or web client. And if you need to sign a document on the fly, simply sign on your smartphone or tablet screen and save it as an e-signature. You can even re-use it for next time.

Sign on the screen and save as an e-signature

A 360° view of patient history

For healthcare professionals, delivering the best possible care and avoiding repeat examinations depends on having access to the clearest possible view of patient histories. But rather than being stored within a single healthcare facility, more often than not this information is distributed across multiple services and providers. With the IHE XDS-capable Doxis Healthcare solution, you can additionally search for patient records stored in locations outside of your facility. Documents retrieved from an external repository are displayed as if they were filed in Doxis. You can even save external documents to your local Doxis patient record.

Search external portals for patient documents

AI power and workflows for insurance providers

Wouldn’t it be great if documents, emails, etc. were automatically filed under the right customer or partner? The AI-powered Insurance AI Add-on Fast Starter makes this a reality. Simply drag all documents to the drop zone and AI sorts, saves and tags them for you in the background. This smart assistant is an add-on for the Insurance Workspace.

If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to standardize your case processing, the Insurance Inbound Process is the Fast Starter you need:  

  • Create simple workflows for processing correspondence and damage documentation
  • Support claims processors in inbound teams and departments with typical clearing tasks
  • Create department-level tasks for final document processing

Structure your case processing with simple workflows

Citizen developers reduce IT bottlenecks

With many IT teams already floundering under their workload, users often face lengthy wait times for troubleshooting. Since the introduction of Doxis Business Studio, citizen developers have been making their own simple mods to Doxis solutions and reducing bottlenecks for IT admins. Doxis Business Studio is a dedicated app environment that empowers tech-savvy users to, e.g. easily set up their own workspaces with dashboards and folder tree, customize metadata fields, and set up and roll out standard integrations (for Salesforce etc.) as fast as possible.


Time is precious in a hectic business environment. That’s why it is more important than ever to ensure tasks are completed with maximum efficiency and in high quality—without cutting corners. Doxis Intelligent Content Automation with integrated AI power does the legwork for you, putting the right information at your fingertips on demand. In short, Doxis ICA helps you work smarter!

Bärbel Heuser-Roth

For many years now, Bärbel Heuser-Roth has been dealing with a wide variety of ECM topics, from information logistics, process management and compliance to the use cases of intelligent processes for automated information management. She has also spent her career researching and writing about the implementation of ECM projects at companies and organizations.

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